Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Dumpling Festival - 08 June 2008

Hi folks out there, do you know that dumpling festival is coming soon and maybe just to remind you all of this rich traditional Chinese festival which is celebrated yearly please read on the folk tale of the Dumpling Festival which is also celebrated by Chinese in Malaysia.

On the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, Chinese communities celebrate the Duan Wu Festival 端午节, also known as the Dumpling Festival, Dragon boat Festival.

The festival commemorates Qu Yuan 屈原, a patriotic poet from the Kingdom of Chu 楚国during the Warring States period 战国时代who committed suicide upon hearing the fall of Chu’s capital city to the Qin armies 秦军.

He was believed to have drowned himself in the Miluo River 汨罗江on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month in 278 BCE. Civilians around the area row their boats out to try to save him or to recover his body. They beat on drums and gongs to frighten away fishes and sea creature to prevent them from eating his body. When these efforts proved futile, they threw rice dumplings into the river to prevent the sea creatures from attacking his body.

Qu Yuan came to symbolize patriotism and on his death anniversary date, it became a custom to organize Dragon boat races 赛龙舟and to consume dumplings 粽子

In 2008, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month falls on 8 June 2008 which is a Sunday.

So any dumpling for all of us ....maybe someone will bring us some dumplings for all of us during our next weekly meeting of The Rotary Club of Tanjung Bungah on 10 June 2008 - Tuesday at Paradise Sandy Bay Hotel at 2000hrs. Yummie...we must all keep our stomach empty....we need more than 10 pieces...make my mouth watery !!!

Or how about durian party.....anyone care ?

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